Homelessness Workshop
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Homelessness But Didn't Know Who to Ask
Join us Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, from 5-8 PM at the Windsor Media Arts Community Centre for an evening of conversation and learning. Increase your awareness of the homelessness situation downtown and practical ways to respond. We hope each person leaves feeling safer and better equipped to live alongside our neighbours who have no fixed address.

2024 Drive to Thrive Tournament
Join us on June 21st at the beautiful Ambassador Golf Club for DWCC’s annual golf tournament. This year’s golf tournament will help support our ACCEL youth program which targets ages 12-17 years of age. Come and be a part of helping to make changes in the lives of these young people - our future leaders!
Annual fundraisers enable us to continue to do the work that we do. We have openings for sponsorships and are grateful for the generosity of your giving with a charitable tax deduction at year-end.
Please contact Anita Schawillie for further details at anita@dwcc.ca.
Your golf fees include: 18 holes of golf and a golf cart & a delicious dinner
Registration: 8:30am
Shotgun: 9:00am
Team scramble
Dinner Reception: 2:30pm
Supreme Services is this year's Title Sponsor of DWCC's annual Drive to Thrive Golf Tournament.
Supreme Services strives to provide excellent service, exceptional work, and the most positive experience possible!

OTF Grants to DWCC
Celebrate with us! Ontario Trillium Foundation Grants help fund DWCC for 2 new Community Initiatives

Glengarry Complex Community Event
Join us at Glengarry Complex for a Community Engagement event hosted by the DWCC and SSNAPP, a partnership between the Windsor Police Service, Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, and City of Windsor.

Wigel Park Community Event
Join us at Wigel Park for a Community Engagement event hosted by the DWCC and SSNAPP, a partnership between the Windsor Police Service, Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, and City of Windsor.

Complex Trauma Workshop (WPS SSNAP, MSERT, Coast, NPT, Comm Srvcs, Patrol)
Join us for a Workshop on Complex Trauma on August 17th. Open to WPS SSNAP, MSERT, Coast, NPT, Comm Srvcs, Patrol. With Guest Speakers Kristen Stockford, Bob Cameron and Tim Fletcher.
Presented by DWCC RE/ACT, Windsor Police Services, Windsor Essex Community Health Unit

Complex Trauma Workshop (CMHA / HDGH)
Join us for a Workshop on Complex Trauma on August 3rd. Open to Canadian Mental Health Association & Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.
With Guest Speakers Kristen Stockford, Bob Cameron and Tim Fletcher.
location: City Centre Health Care, 1400 Windsor Ave
Presented by DWCC RE/ACT, Windsor Police Services, Windsor Essex Community Health Unit

Mitchell Park Community Event
Join us at Mitchell Park for a Community Engagement event hosted by the DWCC and SSNAPP, a partnership between the Windsor Police Service, Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, and City of Windsor.

Complex Trauma Workshop (New Beginnings, CAS, WYC, Maryvale, Noah's House)
Join us at Windsor Youth Centre for a Workshop on Complex Trauma on July 13. Refreshments provided. Open to New Beginnings, CAS, WYC, Maryvale, Noah's House.
Presented by DWCC RE/ACT, Windsor Police Services, Windsor Essex Community Health Unit

Complex Trauma Workshop (Hand In Hand & House of Hope)
Join us at Hand In Hand for a Workshop on Complex Trauma on June 29. Open to Hand In Hand and House of Hope. With Guest Speakers Bob Cameron and Mandy Luckino.
Presented by DWCC RE/ACT, Windsor Police Services, Windsor Essex Community Health Unit

Bruce Park Community Event
Join us at Bruce Park for a Community Event hosted by DWCC, Windsor Police Service, Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, & SSNAP.

Complex Trauma & Pastoral Care
June 22, 8-9:30am
Parkwood Church
3005 Temple Drive,
Windsor, ON
N8W 5E5
More and more we are caring for our congregations and neighbours carrying deep pains that hold them back from growth. Understanding complex trauma's impact will help you in providing support for healing, growth, and joy in life.
With Guest Speakers Tim Fletcher, Kristen Stockford, and Bob Cameron.
(Breakfast Provided)

Love in the Time of Fentanyl Documentary
University of Windsor School of Social Work Downtown