Volunteer with DWCC
Ready to Take the Next Steps?
Dougall School Breakfast Club
Four mornings a week, from 7:30 to 9am, we have a team that provides a healthy breakfast for the students at Dougall Ave. Public School. Full stomachs improve learning and behaviours, and we enjoy weaving another connection with the families of our neighbourhood.
Potluck Tuesdays Bruce Park
From Easter to Thanksgiving DWCC organizes the neighbourhood potluck in Bruce Park. We gather at 5pm to 7pm in the park. It’s potluck so bring a dish that you like, or come and help set up, serve, clean up, converse with our neighbours.
Renovation & Maintenance
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics happens at our locations and needs a fixer upper who enjoys fixing all sorts of small things.
EnRoute Fridays Prep Team
From 6-8pm every Friday we host a program including music, story, light refreshment, and encouragement. The prep team sets up and puts away, lays out the refreshments, greets, and provides prayer and listening ear.
Soulful Practices
Nurturing sustainable soulful practices in the tradition of the monastics, weaving prayer and work. All are welcome.
Zoom together 8-8:30 am Matins Monday through Friday - scripture readings
Zoom together 8-8:15 pm Compline Each evening - prayer to end the day together
502 Wyandotte West 10am Sunday mornings, Jesus centred spirituality.
Meeting ID: 965 9106 1534
Walkabout Team: Several times a week a small team walks a regular route engaging those living on the streets. With a backpack of supplies we nourish the friendships building - seeking not to be helpful as much as curious - loving our neighbours of no fixed address.
Prayer Team: Once a week a small group meets at 7pm Thursdays on Whatsapp to pray for the safety, growth, and gratitudes of those we meet and walk together.
The Logistics Team: purchases the supplies necessary - simply hygiene, snacks, clothing, used cellphones… the list is growing. You may not be able to walkabout but the behind the scenes help is vital.
Fundraising Events Team
Almost all the programming offered by DWCC and RE/ACT is provided at no cost to participants to remove as many barriers as possible to participate. So we need to hold events to encourage the community at large that benefits as well, to chip in financially.
Some upcoming events you can help with are:
Drive to Thrive Golf Tourney
Walk and Run for RE/ACT
Other smaller events through the year
Community Gardens
DWCC coordinates four community gardens in the downtown parish. Help out in relationships and maintenance. Take on a garden plot and plant yourself in the neighbourhood!
Dine & Doodle
A good lunch and art therapy for women living in precarious conditions. Takes place every Tuesday from 12:30 to 2 pm. A room for bringing a crockpot of food, teaching an art lesson, and a short inspirational reading.
“A community of friends and neighbours connected can bring about positive change that can make Downtown Windsor a good place to grow up and a good place to grow old. It enriches the experience of my children and prepares them and myself for a better and brighter future!”
Alex Song
Words from Our Staff
“I have never seen anything like the gospel being lived out, the way I have with DWCC. It invests in its community with its time, finances, and all of its heart. Making each individual in the community feel valued, bringing lots of compassion, joy, and connection, and nurturing the beautiful things in our downtown neighbourhood.”
Kristen Stockford
“The other day the face of a guy on the street lit up when he saw us, and just a couple of weeks ago he was suspicious. It was like he was saying 'here are friends I can trust'. StreetLight changes my perception of people on the street. It's no longer 'them'. Each has a story and distinction, made in the image of God - they are my neighbours.”
Bob Cameron