Loving our Neighbours with no Fixed Address
What is StreetLight?
StreetLight is a team of neighbours longing to love our neighbours of no fixed address. We head out on a walkabout several times a week to help move strangers into friends. We’re continually trying to find new ways to break down barriers of suspicion and build compassion and advocacy, as neighbours who all long for downtown to be a good place to grow up and a good place to grow old.
What is StreetChurch?
StreetChurch takes 'church' to the streets on the last Sunday of the month. A great meal together, prayer, conversation.

Walkabout Team
The Walkabout Team heads out several times a week for a couple of hours per walk. A frequent pattern brings us into contact with our neighbours living on the streets where we build deepening friendships.
Logistics Team
The Logistics Team preps the backpacks, purchases the supplies, and helps out with StreetChurch. If you can't walk but can help find the good deals on basic supplies this might be the place to participate!
Prayer Team
The Prayer Team meets Thursday evenings for a half hour on Whatsapp video to pray for the folks and the team.
Walkabout Team
Logistics Team
Prayer Team
Make a donation.
We set out to provide a place of belonging for our neighbours living on the streets of Downtown Windsor. Whether providing them with gift cards, warm drinks or good conversation, our hearts are to give these neighbours a loving and consistent community.
Through your donations, you will be able to provide for our neighbours living on the streets of Downtown Windsor.