Glengarry Community Lighthouse
The Glengarry Community Lighthouse is a safe space, leading with hospitality and welcome. It is a community hub, connecting neighbours to each other, and forming a healthy community. The lighthouse helps residents of this neighbourhood to navigate the storms of life, and advocate for their wellbeing.
The Beginnings
Before 2015, a group of neighbours, pastors, and leaders walked the pathways and helped plant a garden in the middle of the complex. They met to pray about what could be, seeking to align with the hopefully imaginative vision God had for the neighbourhood. That led to Hughie moving in. When CHC offered a main floor apartment for use as a gathering space, the Glengarry Community Lighthouse was born.
Creating Community
Every year, the Glengarry Fun Day brings the whole neighbourhood out to celebrate!
Working on a finite budget, the team behind the Glengarry Community Lighthouse knew that the kind of hospitality they wanted to offer would require some creativity and partners.
Three annual community meals (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter) brought the neighbourhood together every year, and they were always a fusion of resident leadership and community partners. The fourth community meal was the annual Glengarry Fun Day. It could be described as a neighbourhood block party with an abundant feast for everyone, pony rides, the Windsor Fire Department blasting water for the kids, a photo booth, the Sport 4 All quad, and so much more.
A New Perspective
Learn about the Glengarry Community Lighthouse and hear the story from a different perspective! See the video below.